Are you feeling awkward with uneven skin tone or hyperpigmentation on your legs? It not only looks healthy, but it also makes you feel embarrassed about being in a swimsuit…
Introduction Are you planning on wearing a dress that is a bit more revealing than you are used to? If you tend to go outdoor often, then you may notice…
Are you currently suffering from patches around your mouth? Do you feel that these are permanent or that they are the sign of something more serious? You are not alone!…
Introduction If you have dry skin, you may already be familiar with the dry and rough feeling that your skin has in winter. It might not be possible for you…
If you’ve ever had puffy eyes, you know that they can be itchy, sore, and downright annoying. They’re also not fun to look at right in the morning before coffee!…
Introduction None can fight age, but you can fight the signs of aging appearing on your face. And one of the best ways to fight the signs of aging is…
Introduction You may think A little bit of redness around the nose and cheeks isn’t so bad. Many of us recreate it with blush and other makeup products. But when…
Everyone wants the best skin bleaching cream for their skin. But where do you even start? Skin brightening cream is a cream that acts on the colour of your skin,…
Introduction Going out in the sun could be quite fun if it wasn’t for those sunburns. You forget to put on sunscreen one time and your skin gets all inflamed,…
What is pigmentation, its causes, and the best creams for its cure: The skin is the largest organ of body. Its function is to protect our bodies from exterior pollutants…